Anniversary Flowers Care Guide: Expert Tips for Long-Lasting Blooms

Anniversary flowers are not just a visual treat; they symbolize the love, commitment, and special milestones in your relationship. To make these symbols of affection last longer, we’ve put together this specialised care guide. Here’s how to maintain the freshness and vibrancy of your anniversary flower arrangements:

1. Initial Care:

  • Unpacking: Gently remove the flowers from their packaging to prevent any damage.
  • Trimming: Cut 1-2 inches off the stems at a 45-degree angle to enhance water absorption.
  • Watering: Use fresh, cool water in a clean vase, adding provided flower food or a teaspoon of sugar.

2. Ongoing Maintenance:

  • Water Changes: Refresh the water every 2-3 days, and change completely every two days to prevent bacteria growth.
  • Stem Trimming: Re-trim the stems during water changes.
  • Sunlight & Temperature: Place the flowers in a cool spot with bright, indirect sunlight, ideally 18-22°C.
  • Pruning: Remove wilted or brown petals and leaves to maintain the arrangement’s appearance.

3. Specific Flower Care:

  • Roses: Remove wilted outer petals; keep away from fruit to prevent premature aging.
  • Orchids: Mist occasionally for high humidity; avoid drafts and sudden temperature shifts.
  • Lilies: Remove pollen stamens to prevent stains; remove anthers to prevent pollen from staining petals.
  • Sunflowers: Prefer slightly cooler temperatures; keep away from direct heat sources.
  • Tulips: May need occasional retrimming of stems as they continue to grow.
  • Gerbera Daisies: Support with a stick or straw if stems get soft.
  • Birds of Paradise: Mist occasionally to mimic tropical humidity.
  • Heliconia: Keep well-hydrated; stems may need to be re-cut every few days.
  • Gold Orchids or Gold-Dipped Roses: Handle with care; they are delicate.

4. Prolonging the Beauty:

  • Drying: Dry them upside down in a dark, dry place if you wish to keep them as a keepsake.

5. Need Professional Assistance?

Our expert team is here to answer any questions or provide advice tailored to your specific flowers, whether it’s about caring for them or transforming them into lasting memories with our Anniversary Floral Keepsakes service.


By following these guidelines, your anniversary flowers can continue to symbolize your love and celebration for an extended time. We offer specialized care instructions for the unique anniversary flower arrangements found in Singapore’s tropical environment. Whether you’re a novice or experienced flower enthusiast, this guide aims to empower you to take the best possible care of your special blooms. Thank you for choosing us to be part of your special day!

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