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Blush of Affection Bouquet


Captivate the heart with the ‘Blush of Affection Bouquet’, a handcrafted wonder blooming with velvety blush roses and the gentle promise of budding lilies. This bouquet weaves a story of love and anticipation, each flower a symbol of enduring affection and the joys yet to come. Adorned with whimsical astilbe and grounded by rich seasonal foliage, it’s a poetic tribute to love’s everlasting beauty – perfect for anniversaries, Valentine’s Day, birthdays or to turn any day into an extraordinary celebration of the heart.

Disclaimer: While seasonal availability might introduce subtle changes to our floral design, the colour theme and quality will always match the original design.

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Embrace the essence of love with our Blush of Affection Bouquet, a handcrafted floral masterpiece created for the most heartfelt celebrations. Centre stage is taken by the exquisite blush roses, their petals unfolding like the layers of your shared history, surrounded by the promise of lilies yet to bloom. A mist of astilbe lends a touch of whimsy, while the deep tones of seasonal foliage ground the bouquet in a sense of timeless elegance.

This bouquet is the ultimate expression of love for anniversaries, Valentine’s Day, birthdays or any day when only the most beautiful gesture will do. The soft hues of the roses reflect the sweetness of your love, while the anticipation of the lilies symbolises a future filled with joy and abundance.


  • Velvety Blush Roses: Conveying warmth and endearing love.
  • Anticipating Lilies: Representing hope and the beauty of shared tomorrows.
  • Ethereal Astilbe: Adding a sprinkle of fairy-like charm.
  • Seasonal Foliage: Creating a backdrop of deep, rich colour.

Gifting this bouquet means offering a token of your affection that transcends the ordinary, a celebration of love in its most radiant form. It’s more than just a bouquet; it’s a cherished memory in the making.


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Blush of Affection Bouquet
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