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Crimson Rose Grandeur Bouquet


Present the ultimate symbol of love with our Crimson Rose Grandeur Bouquet, an exquisite array of velvety red roses, each one representing a heartfelt pledge of affection. Complemented by the ethereal beauty of pink smoke bush and the refreshing presence of eucalyptus greens, this bouquet is artfully wrapped in chic brown paper and tied with a satin ribbon, making it the perfect gift for anniversaries, Valentine’s Day, or just to express deep, passionate emotions. Let the timeless elegance of this stunning arrangement speak the language of love for you.

Disclaimer: While seasonal availability might introduce subtle changes to our floral design, the colour theme and quality will always match the original design.

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Step into the realm of romance and splendour with our Crimson Rose Grandeur Bouquet. A majestic collection of the finest red roses, this bouquet stands as a symbol of profound love and passionate sentiments. Each rose is carefully chosen for its deep red hue and velvety texture, ensuring that your special message of love is conveyed in the most luxurious manner.

Whether you’re marking a significant anniversary, celebrating Valentine’s Day or making an unforgettable romantic gesture, this bouquet is designed to capture hearts. The rich reds are softened by the gentle touch of pink smoke bush and eucalyptus greens, weaving together a tapestry of colour that is both striking and elegantly understated.


  • Vibrant Crimson Roses: The epitome of love and beauty, each rose is a promise of affection.
  • Pink Smoke Bush: Adds a whimsical, airy quality to the arrangement with its cloud-like plumes.
  • Fresh Eucalyptus Greens: Provide a subtle, refreshing fragrance and lush backdrop.
  • Thoughtful Presentation: Wrapped in stylish brown paper with a delicate satin ribbon.

In presenting this bouquet, you’re not just giving flowers, you’re delivering a timeless expression of love that will be treasured as much as the memory of the occasion. Carefully arranged and presented, the Crimson Rose Grandeur Bouquet is a gift that speaks the language of love fluently, resonating with the heart’s deepest emotions.


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Crimson Rose Grandeur Bouquet
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