
Cupid’s Choice Rose Bouquet


Embrace the essence of romance with our Cupid’s Choice hand bouquet, an exquisite ensemble of nine deep crimson roses, each one a symphony of passion. Cradled by soft baby’s breath and lush greenery, this handcrafted bouquet captures the timeless elegance of love, making it the perfect poetic gesture for your Valentine’s Day celebration.

Disclaimer: While seasonal availability might introduce subtle changes to our floral design, the colour theme and quality will always match the original design.

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Ignite the flames of love with our Cupid’s Choice hand bouquet, a selection of the finest red roses, each bloom a testament to passion and adoration. Framed by the delicate texture of ferns and the soft, white whispers of baby’s breath, these roses are not just flowers; they are heartbeats, a rhythm of love in crimson. This bouquet is a classic romance reimagined, a bold and beautiful gesture for Valentine’s Day.

Let this bouquet be the messenger of your love, carrying with it all the unsaid words and emotions that fill your heart. The stark contrast of red against green, punctuated by pure white, crafts a visual sonnet that will serenade your beloved with every glance.


  • Deep Crimson Roses: The ultimate symbol of love’s fervour.
  • Wisps of Baby’s Breath: Signifying purity and the gentle nature of love.
  • Verdant Greenery: A symbol of growth and renewal in your relationship.
  • Handcrafted Elegance: Each bouquet is wrapped with a sophistication that matches the beauty within.

With this bouquet, transform Valentine’s Day into a celebration of love that speaks directly to the soul. It is not just a floral arrangement, but a treasure, a keepsake of your enduring love.


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Cupid’s Choice Rose Bouquet
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