Priceless Romance Bridal Bouquet


Elevate your special day with the Priceless Romance Bridal Bouquet, a handcrafted symbol of love’s infinite beauty. Lush white roses, elegant lilies, and peach carnations come together in this exquisite display, accented by hints of serene blue and wrapped in a delicate pink ribbon. Perfect for the bride seeking a touch of timeless grace, this bouquet promises to be as unforgettable as the moment you say ‘I do’.


Disclaimer: While seasonal availability might introduce subtle changes to our floral design, the colour theme and quality will always match the original design.

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Discover the epitome of matrimonial splendour with our Priceless Romance Bridal Bouquet. This exquisite arrangement is the perfect testament to an unspoken bond, its centrepiece composed of opulent white roses that whisper tales of a love both pure and deep. Interspersed amongst these blooms are the stately white lilies, unfurling elegantly to reveal a heart of sincere devotion.

Nestled within are the tender peach carnations, each petal blushing with the promise of enduring affection. A delicate scatter of serene blue blossoms adds a touch of tranquillity, symbolising a steadfast union. This ensemble is tenderly cradled in a lush bed of verdant foliage, creating a luxurious backdrop that heightens the bouquet’s natural allure.

Ideal for the moment you say ‘I do’, this bouquet is crafted not just for the ceremony but for the everlasting memories it will enshrine. It’s a celebration of love that transcends the ordinary, a keepsake of a day that will be treasured for a lifetime.


  • Majestic White Roses: Signifying the pure essence of a love that will stand the test of time.
  • Stately White Lilies: Representing the noble grace of love’s everlasting bloom.
  • Tender Peach Carnations: Evoking the gentle caress of affectionate promises.
  • Tranquil Oxypetalum Blue: Denoting the deep, unshakeable trust between two souls.

Adorned with a delicate pink ribbon, the Priceless Romance Bridal Bouquet is lovingly arranged to be a beacon of love’s eternal flame. Elegantly packaged and ready to grace your celebration, this bouquet is a sublime selection for the bride who embodies elegance and desires a symbol of love that is truly beyond compare.


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Priceless Romance Bridal Bouquet
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