Romantic Autumn Elegance Bouquet


Celebrate your special day with our Romantic Autumn Elegance Bouquet, a stunning arrangement designed exclusively for weddings that captures the rich tapestry of autumn. This bridal bouquet features a luxurious medley of peach and blush roses, symbolizing enduring love, and is elegantly accented with opulent dahlias and playful spray roses. Silvery eucalyptus and seasonal berries add a touch of natural splendor, making this bouquet the perfect accessory for the bride who wants to infuse her walk down the aisle with the romance and abundance of the harvest season.


Disclaimer: While seasonal availability might introduce subtle changes to our floral design, the colour theme and quality will always match the original design.

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Step into matrimonial bliss with our Romantic Autumn Elegance Bouquet, a handcrafted emblem of love that captures the heart of the season. This bridal bouquet is a poetic composition, harmoniously blending the timeless elegance of roses with the stately charm of dahlias, all cradled in the soft embrace of eucalyptus foliage.

The bouquet breathes life into the romance of the occasion with its selection of peach and blush roses, each bloom whispering stories of love’s tender journey. Amidst these, the dahlias stand resplendent, their intricate petals unfolding layers of marital joy and richness. Whimsical spray roses sprinkle through, adding a cascade of delicate beauty, while the berries or seed pods intertwine, symbolising the fruitful future of the wedded pair.

With each flower meticulously chosen for its symbolic meaning and natural beauty, this wedding bouquet is an ideal accompaniment to the bride’s radiant glow. The warm hues of the roses reflect the soft, golden light of autumn, and the dahlias provide a sumptuous contrast with their deep, rich colors.


  • Warm Peach and Soft Pink Roses: Signifying the gentle embrace of everlasting love.
  • Elegant Proteas: Evoking the depth of commitment and union.
  • Delicate Spray Roses: Adding a playful and romantic flourish to the composition.
  • Silvery Eucalyptus Foliage and Pods: Providing serene greenery, delicate aroma, and symbolising hope and the abundance of shared futures.
  • Scabiosa: Introducing an element of graceful charm and uniqueness.

This bouquet is more than just a collection of flowers; it’s a hand-held testament to love’s grandeur, designed to complement the bride’s attire and the sanctity of the wedding day. The Romantic Autumn Elegance Bouquet is a celebration of love, carefully curated to create lasting memories as the couple embarks on their lifelong journey together.


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Romantic Autumn Elegance Bouquet
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