
Romantic Red Rose Bouquet


Ignite the flames of passion with the Romantic Red Rose Bouquet, a Valentine’s Day masterpiece that eloquently declares your love. Lush red roses, symbols of enduring passion, are nestled amongst delicate baby’s breath and crisp eucalyptus, all wrapped in chic silver-grey elegance and tied with a graceful ribbon. This bouquet is not just a floral arrangement but a powerful statement of love, ready to capture the heart and soul of your special someone.

Disclaimer: While seasonal availability might introduce subtle changes to our floral design, the colour theme and quality will always match the original design.

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Step into a realm of passion and warmth with our Valentine’s Day hand bouquet, starring the quintessential symbol of love—the red rose. Each rose is a bold declaration of affection, cradled by a soft embrace of baby’s breath and eucalyptus, evoking a feeling of enchantment and desire. The velvety petals of the roses are highlighted against the silver-grey leaves, portraying a classic yet daring statement of love.

This bouquet is designed to capture the hearts of loved ones, making it a perfect gift for Valentine’s Day. The vibrant red of the roses represents deep love and respect, creating a bond that transcends the ordinary. It’s not just a bouquet; it’s a profound gesture of commitment and romance, a treasure that will be remembered long after the roses have bloomed.


  • Vibrant Red Roses: A timeless symbol of love and passion, picked at the peak of perfection.
  • Soft Baby’s Breath: Adds a delicate texture and a whisper of innocence to the bouquet.
  • Silver Eucalyptus Leaves: Introduce an elegant contrast and a refreshing scent.
  • Chic Silver-grey Wrapping: Complements the fiery red roses and completes the sophisticated look.

Present this bouquet to ignite a spark of romance and to convey emotions that words alone cannot express. Each stem is swathed in luxurious silver-grey paper, culminating in an exquisite ribbon that twirls gracefully around the bouquet—a final flourish that promises to steal the heart of your beloved with its elegant simplicity. It’s more than a gift; it’s a memorable emblem of love’s timeless dance.


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Romantic Red Rose Bouquet
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