Sophisticated Scholar’s Bouquet


Celebrate academic milestones with our Sophisticated Scholar’s Bouquet, a delightful arrangement featuring plush, novelty bunnies in graduation regalia, surrounded by a gentle array of pastel roses and whispers of baby’s breath. This handcrafted bouquet, nestled in lush eucalyptus and presented in elegant pink wrapping with a satin bow, makes the perfect keepsake to honour the graduate’s hard work and bright future ahead.


Disclaimer: While seasonal availability might introduce subtle changes to our floral design, the colour theme and quality will always match the original design.

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Step into a realm of chic elegance with our Sophisticated Scholar’s Bouquet, thoughtfully designed to celebrate the pinnacle of academic success. At its heart, this bouquet features plush, novelty bunnies donning scholarly glasses and graduation caps, cradled amidst a bed of pastel roses and delicate sprigs of baby’s breath. Every detail is meticulously curated to embody the joy and pride of graduation day.

This bouquet is the perfect way to honor the new graduate, encapsulating the light-hearted jubilation and profound significance of their accomplishments. The charming bunnies, surrounded by soft blooms, weave a tale of perseverance and the bright promise of future endeavours. More than a mere gift, it is a memorable keepsake that the graduate will cherish.


  • Graduation-Themed Bunnies: Adorable and soft, complete with academic attire to add a touch of celebration.
  • Pastel Roses: Carefully selected for their beauty and soft hues, signifying love and admiration.
  • Delicate Baby’s Breath: Wispy and ethereal, adding a layer of finesse to the arrangement.
  • Eucalyptus Foliage: Providing a refreshing contrast, symbolising growth and resilience.
  • Elegant Presentation: Wrapped in sumptuous pink paper with a graceful satin bow for a sophisticated touch.

Present this exquisite Sophisticated Scholar’s Bouquet to express your pride and belief in the graduate’s potential. With its thoughtful composition and elegant presentation, it’s a gift that will become a treasured symbol of their momentous achievement.


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Sophisticated Scholar’s Bouquet
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