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Sublime Elegance Calla Lily Bouquet


Discover timeless beauty with the Sublime Elegance Calla Lily Bouquet, a classic and sophisticated arrangement perfect for expressing the most heartfelt emotions. Pristine white calla lilies, rich velvety roses, and exotic pink anthuriums form a symphony of elegance, each bloom hand-selected for its symbolic meaning and aesthetic. Complete with a lush embrace of eucalyptus foliage and the subtle charm of pink carnations, this bouquet promises to convey your sentiments with grace and grandeur. Whether for celebration or love, it’s an exquisite choice that will leave an impression of lasting beauty

Disclaimer: While seasonal availability might introduce subtle changes to our floral design, the colour theme and quality will always match the original design.

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Step into a serene garden of splendour with our Sublime Elegance bouquet, showcasing the stately white calla lilies as its crowning glory. These are artfully interwoven with the plush red roses and the unique charm of pink anthuriums, creating a tableau of floral finesse. Verdant eucalyptus leaves and soft carnations add layers of texture and depth, making this bouquet a masterpiece of natural elegance.

Ideal for a myriad of occasions from heartfelt congratulations to love expressions, this bouquet conveys a message of pure sophistication and refined taste. The pristine calla lilies represent magnificent beauty, while the roses whisper tales of deep affection. Each element is chosen for its freshness and longevity, ensuring your sentiments are felt long after delivery.


  • Majestic White Calla Lilies: Symbolising magnificent beauty with their trumpet-like blooms.
  • Velvety Red Roses: Evoking deep emotions with their classic form and rich colour.
  • Exotic Pink Anthuriums: Adding a touch of tropical sophistication with their heart-shaped beauty.
  • Fresh Eucalyptus Foliage: Offering aromatic fullness and a touch of whimsy to the ensemble.
  • Delicate Pink Carnations: Infusing the bouquet with grace and a sweet, spicy scent.
  • Elegant White Veronica: Bringing a sense of purity and delicate charm with its slender, upright form.
  • Vibrant Pink Alstroemeria: Introducing lively splashes of color, symbolizing friendship and devotion.

Encapsulate your feelings in this luxurious bouquet that stands as a tribute to timeless grace. It arrives impeccably arranged, ready to captivate and charm any recipient or adorn any setting.


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Sublime Elegance Calla Lily Bouquet
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