Victorian Elegance Bridal Bouquet


Embody the grace of bygone eras on your wedding day with the Victorian Elegance Bridal Bouquet. This exquisite arrangement showcases a luxurious array of antique pink and deep red roses, harmoniously blended with the unique charm of brown Lisianthus. Delicate astilbe and eucalyptus leaves frame the flowers, offering a glimpse into an English garden, while the subtle inclusion of hypericum berries adds a touch of dark, natural allure. Perfect for the bride with a love for vintage charm and elegance, this bouquet promises to be a beloved highlight of your special day.


Disclaimer: While seasonal availability might introduce subtle changes to our floral design, the colour theme and quality will always match the original design.

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Experience the pinnacle of nuptial sophistication with our Victorian Elegance Bridal Bouquet, an artful composition that marries the grandeur of the past with the spirit of the present. Central to its design are the plush roses in hues of antique pink and velvety red, each one a whisper of love’s eternal vow. The roses are complemented by the rare beauty of brown Lisianthus, a nod to the Victorian fascination with the language of flowers.

Surrounding these jewels are feathery astilbe and sprigs of eucalyptus, lending a touch of the English garden’s splendour to the arrangement. Hypericum berries are sprinkled throughout, offering an organic contrast with their dark, glossy appearance.


  • Antique Pink and Red Roses: Conveying a sense of heritage and romance.
  • Unique brown Lisianthus: Bespeaking individuality and charm.
  • Astilbe Accents: Providing a lacy, delicate texture.
  • Eucalyptus Leaves: Contributing a silvery sophistication.
  • Hypericum Berry Highlights: Giving a nod to nature’s bounty.

Designed with the discerning bride in mind, this bouquet is a testament to the timeless allure of Victorian elegance, infused with modern sensibilities. Perfectly suited for the bride seeking a centrepiece for her fairytale day, it offers a sublime accessory that will be treasured for years to come.


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Victorian Elegance Bridal Bouquet
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