Whimsical Bunny Graduation Bouquet


Celebrate a milestone moment with our Whimsical Bunny Graduation Bouquet, an artful blend of playfulness and poise. Each bouquet features handcrafted bunny-shaped blooms, nestled amidst clouds of baby’s breath and verdant foliage, symbolising new beginnings and the bright journey ahead. Adorned with delicate pink accents and a red ribbon of accomplishment, this bouquet is a perfect commemoration of success and a beacon of future aspirations.
Minimum Order Quantity: 4


Disclaimer: While seasonal availability might introduce subtle changes to our floral design, the colour theme and quality will always match the original design.

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Welcome to the delightful charm of our whimsical bunny graduation bouquet, a playful celebration of achievement and joy. This unique bouquet pairs the soft innocence of bunny-shaped blooms with a sophisticated array of baby’s breath and tender foliage, creating a memorable and heartwarming arrangement. Each floral bunny, crafted with meticulous care and fluffy detail, stands as a symbol of new beginnings and the strides of accomplishment.

This bouquet is not just a gift, but a cherished keepsake, ideal for graduations, congratulatory moments, or as a special token of love and encouragement. It’s a creative twist on traditional bouquets, designed to bring smiles and a sense of wonder. The white and pink hues of the bunnies contrast beautifully against the greenery, capturing a snapshot of spring’s eternal promise.


  • Adorable Bunny-Shaped Blooms: Handcrafted with love for a personal touch.
  • Lush Baby’s Breath: Symbolising purity and the joy of life.
  • Green Foliage: Carefully selected to frame the blooms in natural beauty.
  • Pink Ear Details: Adding a playful pop of colour to the white bunnies.

Encapsulate the spirit of a special day with this enchanting bouquet. It’s more than flowers; it’s a message of happiness and future aspirations. Wrapped elegantly with a red ribbon of success, this bouquet is poised to become a delightful memory of a significant milestone.


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Whimsical Bunny Graduation Bouquet
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